From the CEOThis year’s State Budget has seen a record Asset Investment Program announced, with $33.9 billion allocated over the next 4 years. This significant infrastructure program will be delivered amid the current backdrop of market and supply chain constraints being felt across the country, requiring an even greater focus on improving efficiencies in pre-construction and delivery activities. IWA will be investigating how to address these challenges in the coming months and I look forward to engaging with our stakeholders in this process. It is pleasing to see the State Budget’s infrastructure investment aligned to key areas identified by IWA in the development of the State Infrastructure Strategy. Statewide infrastructure investment in the health and mental health sector, and support for improving municipal services and increasing appropriate housing in Aboriginal communities will be vitally important to support the wellbeing of the WA community. Significant port upgrades in the state’s north, improving and renewing regional road infrastructure and further investment in the regions to attract industry, agricultural research and development, and tourism will grow and diversify regional economies. Additional investment for initiatives through the Climate Action Fund will further progress agency and industry sector plans for emission reduction, as well as for new charging infrastructure to support the uptake of electric vehicles, to contribute to WA’s target of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. Further funding towards the Regional Digital Connectivity Program will enable co-investment to improve mobile and internet coverage, not only in WA but also across the country. Other announcements included ongoing funding and investment for Westport, METRONET and metropolitan and regional TAFEs – which all have significant associated infrastructure commitments. At the Budget estimates hearing that followed, it was also reassuring to hear the Premier detail in Parliament that the WA Government had taken a close look at the recommendations in the State Infrastructure Strategy and had them front of mind when handing down the State Budget. Now that we are in the final stages prior to release of the Strategy, I would also like to take this opportunity to provide a brief update on its progress. Following submission of the finalised Strategy, the Premier has requested supplementary information that points to major initiatives in the State Budget that may affect the WA Government’s response to the Strategy’s recommendations. This will ensure the Strategy is supported by current information at the point of its tabling in Parliament. As soon as this work is complete, the Strategy will be re-submitted to the Premier and then tabled in Parliament. In the meantime, the IWA team is progressing with its other core functions, including our new role to assess major infrastructure proposals with a capital cost of over $100 million. Recently our first summary assessment report was published for the Geraldton Port Maximisation Project. Over the coming months, IWA will be commencing work on its inaugural Reconciliation Action Plan with input from leaders and other agencies who have been enriched by their experiences. Planning for a WA’s first 10-year State Infrastructure Program has also commenced, which IWA will assist in the preparation of, and be released by the WA Government in 2023. We recently released IWA’s stakeholder satisfaction survey for 2021–22. With significant engagement carried out on the draft Strategy and our major infrastructure proposal assessment function. I encourage you to take the brief survey, which will help inform our future engagement. Finally, I’m pleased to announce the appointment of Owen Thomas as our new deputy chief executive officer. Owen joins us from the Public Transport Authority and brings with him extensive experience in both land use and transport planning. The team have welcomed Owen and look forward to working with him as we move into an important period for IWA. I look forward to sharing another update shortly, so watch this space and stay well. |
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