From the CEO

WA’s draft State Infrastructure Strategy has arrived

Western Australia’s draft State Infrastructure Strategy – Foundations for a Stronger Tomorrow – was released to a bumper crowd of more than 900 in Perth and online on 21 July.

Another 100-plus people have since attended workshops organised by Infrastructure WA, and I’m pleased to share we have already received numerous comments in response to the 88 recommendations in the Strategy.

Development of the draft Strategy would not have been possible without the input and collaboration of many and I look forward to this continuing.

I invite you to learn more about the draft recommendations and share your views by attending one of our workshops or by providing feedback online by 15 September 2021.

After this date, our team will finalise the Strategy and submit it to the Premier.

Reaching this point has been a significant achievement for Infrastructure WA and especially meaningful as we celebrated our second year of operation this month. Thank you for your continued interest in our work and for joining us on this journey to improve WA’s infrastructure future.

Phil Helberg
Chief Executive Officer, Infrastructure WA


Draft Strategy focuses on getting WA’s infrastructure foundations in place

The release of the draft Strategy provides WA with its first long-term infrastructure outlook for the next two decades.

The Strategy contains a total of 88 recommendations which aim to set the state on a long-term path to achieve better

outcomes through collaborative and holistic state-wide strategic infrastructure planning and delivery.

About 75 per cent of recommendations are non-build solutions. They relate to the systems, processes, policies and procedures that will ensure infrastructure investment decision-making and long-term planning is consistent, aligned and evidence based.

The Strategy places a strong focus on regional Western Australia, with 60 per cent of recommendations relating to the entire State and more than 20 per cent specifically to the regions.

In line with the emphasis on collaboration and consistency, many recommendations relate to themes extending across government agencies and sectors (as shown in the graphic below).

To learn more about the Strategy and recommendations, you can choose to:


Draft Strategy sets wheels in motion for refreshed consultation

Over the next two months, Infrastructure WA will visit Western Australia’s ten regions to gather community and stakeholder input on this next stage of the journey to complete the final Strategy.

This is your opportunity to learn more about the Strategy in detail, ask questions and have input.

You can choose to attend a session in-person in your region or an online workshop. Find your nearest session online and register now.


Infrastructure WA turns two 

The timing couldn’t have been better, as the team celebrated the release of the Strategy and took to the road to share the result of more than 18 months of work.

With the year ahead looking as busy as the last, Infrastructure WA is looking forward to finalising the Strategy and implementing its other functions. 

We look forward to sharing more details as these activities begin in 2022.


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