From the CEO

Following the release of the draft State Infrastructure Strategy Foundations for a Stronger Tomorrow, there has been no time to pause as our public consultation phase kicked into gear.

Our regional roadshows have allowed us to have meaningful conversations aimed at harnessing the unique potential each region has to offer, while our sector specific sessions have brought together government, industry and the community to provide specialist advice and expertise from a variety of perspectives.

In addition, we have also held several online community sessions, to give greater accessibility for people to provide their feedback and reached out to youth groups to hear their views.

These events have been vital to test our recommendations with the wider community and I would like to thank everyone who has engaged with us since the draft Strategy was released.

On a separate note, I would like to congratulate our Chairperson, John Langoulant who has been appointed as WA’s new Agent General and will oversee the State's Investment and Trade Office in London.

John has been instrumental in the establishment of Infrastructure WA, and the development of the State’s first long-term infrastructure strategy. We will miss John dearly and wish him all the very best in his new role.

A process is currently underway to appoint a new Chairperson when John concludes his role with us on 15 October.

With less than two weeks of consultation remaining, I encourage you to visit our draft Strategy webpage and have your say before submissions close on 15 September 2021.

Phil Helberg
Chief Executive Officer, Infrastructure WA


Joining the regional dots at roadshows

Our team have hit the ground running since our draft Strategy was released at the end of July!

Following our first roadshows in Perth, our regional roadshows have so far taken us to Mandurah, Exmouth, Port Hedland, Kalgoorlie, Albany, Bunbury and Geraldton.

So far, hundreds have attended our sessions, where discussions have focussed on our recommendations for a strategic regional framework, housing, water, tourism, transport, the environment, waste, renewable energy, climate change and meeting net-zero emissions by 2050, and improving outcomes for Aboriginal people.

While on our regional roadshows we have also engaged with a cross-section of Aboriginal stakeholders and advocacy groups. Our discussions focused on improving infrastructure services in remote communities and creating business and employment opportunities for Aboriginal people through infrastructure development – which have been identified as significant matters to address in the draft Strategy. 

Visit our event page to register for remaining roadshows.


Roundtables bring wealth of knowledge and expertise

Our consultation workshops extend further than our regional roadshow sessions.

We have also been holding sector-specific and online community sessions aimed at bringing together representatives across government, industry and the community to help us refine and sharpen the Strategy’s recommendations, and identify any gaps.

Our sessions have included workshops on digital connectivity and technology, health, transport, arts culture sport and recreation, housing, and a specific workshop for youth.

Our final online session, which hones in on the water and energy sectors, is coming up on 14 September.

You can participate by registering here.


Youth engagement pivotal to achieving long-term Strategy goals

Hearing from youth brings a unique perspective to our consultation process, and most importantly helps inform us on what’s important to tomorrow’s future infrastructure users.

We recently travelled to Beverley to participate in the Wheatbelt Student Leadership Forum, and also held an online workshop for young people under the age of 25 to hear their views on the draft Strategy.

Read the full story here.


Infrastructure Australia releases renewed 15-year plan

Infrastructure Australia recently released its 2021 Australian Infrastructure Plan. The new 15-year plan builds on its 2016 plan and looks to leverage the Australian Government’s historic $110 billion infrastructure spend. The plan aligns closely with IWA’s own draft Strategy and includes waste and social infrastructure for the first time.

It has also completed a major refresh of its Assessment Framework for new infrastructure proposals. The new Framework provides a more contemporary approach for making decisions about infrastructure and will help develop high-quality infrastructure proposals for submission. Importantly, it gives greater consideration of social and environmental benefits, which can be difficult to quantify, and places a stronger focus on regional and remote areas.


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